Deliberate Actions

A while back I posted some quick thoughts –

The 3 Big D’s of Accomplishing The Things You Want to Do

  • Deliberate
  • Determined
  • Diligent

Let’s talk a little bit more about Deliberate.

I have a cat that’s like most cats.  She lives the life of luxury sleeping 23 hours a day and eating her food.  She is like a queen and our home is her domain.  Daily she graces us with her presence.  I can be in the middle of doing something on the laptop, or reading, or perhaps sleeping.  But when she has decided it’s time for some “kitty luvin’ ” she won’t quit.  She will deliberately place herself between me and whatever my attention is on that is not her.  She wants to be the focus.  It is all eyes and hands on her and there is no rest until she gets what she wants.

You must approach a goal with a marked mind full of consciousness of the nature and effects of each action.   Each step must be intentional and mapped by careful consideration of “will this step move me towards the goal?” (i.e. no chasing rabbits)

Just as Ginger deliberately puts her self up front and center and persistently does what ever actions she  needs to do to get my attention, our actions towards our goals must be just as deliberate.

Ask yourself this question frequently, “Is this the best possible use of my time right now?”

Ask yourself , “Which of my tasks, today, contributes to attaining one of  my objectives for this week?”

Do you see the pattern?  Taking actions towards a goal is a constant self evaluation.  Daily.  Hourly.  By Minute.

If you have some dreams and goals but don’t know where to start to achieve them, I highly recommend  The Seven Minute Solution by Allyson Lewis.  The principles outlined in her book helped me to step off the rat wheel of “spinning in circles going nowhere”.

Here’s to your Deliberate Actions today!


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