Dashes, Dots and Getting Out of the Rut
I woke up this morning with dashes and dots on my mind. I don’t know if it was because of a movie the other day that mentioned Morse code or all the maps for vacation I’ve been looking at where the states are drawn off with dashed lines.
There’s a poem called “The Dash” by Linda Ellis and the gist of the poem is being proud of how you lived your life which is represented on a tombstone by the dash.
I have a friend that is turned 53 this year and is going through some deep reflective time wanting to make sure she is using, living and creating her ‘later years’ to their utmost.
I know that’s what I’ve been doing myself since turning 50. “50 may be the new 40” the saying goes, but who writes those sayings anyway? That saying would insinuate that I’m still young, live it up, be the best I can be because I’ve still got 10 more years before I’m ‘old’! I SHOULD do all those things. But I think there is something beautifully special about turning 50 if I seize that time to get out of the rut and make any changes I’ve been wanting to make.
That is my intention this year.
Get out of some ruts.
My first rut I’m attempting to get out of, or at least smooth over, is my health.
No more excuses. It’s time to get moving.
As I’ve mentioned before I have one of those fitness activity bracelets – the Garmin VivoFit 2. Hubs and I both have one now. It’s like that gently nagging best friend that is trying to help you keep on the straight and narrow.
For instance, when it’s approaching about an hour of inactivity, a little red line starts flashing. It’s sort of like a countdown clock and when times up there is a little gentle chime to remind me to get up and move it for at least about 200 to 250 steps. This has been very helpful because I never realized how easy it was for me to get into my “work and creativity” mindset and not move. I easily, except for potty breaks for me or the dog, could sit for 3 hours immersed in whatever activity has me captivated.
I’ve also started walking more thanks to this little ‘friend’.
I’ve discovered flowers I probably wouldn’t have seen and a huge old mesquite tree that I’ve never paid attention to. I’ve also been watching the wild persimmon tree fruit slowly ripen during these last dog days of Summer. If I can beat the coyotes, rabbits and other critters to them I may make a little batch of jelly later this fall. And yes, coyotes, in desperation for need of food will eat persimmons and the beans tubes that fall off mesquite trees.
Another way I’ve started adding some activity into my routine is gathering up wood from around our property for our various wood pits we have. Between the fire pit, the chiminea pot and an old iron pot belly stove I have a selection of warm and toasty places to enjoy a little fire. This year, instead of buying those bags of pre-cut little logs, I’m getting in touch with my inner lumber-jack and cutting my own wood.
This little wagon load represented about 200 calories burned, 500 steps of walking back and forth trying to get everything positioned, bucket loads of sweat (it was about 90 in Texas the day I was cutting) and a need for better gloves. And I think our bow saw needs sharpened, because surely cutting that little wood shouldn’t have been so hard! =)
But, my little wood pile is growing and now I have a greater appreciation for the men and women that founded this nation with their own sweat and tears.
I worked this weekend on getting out of the rut. Adding a few things to my routine that I haven’t been doing.
Shaking things up a little bit.
Have you ever had moments of reflection in your life where you decided that NOW was the time to seize the day and make changes? I would love to hear from you if you have!
Also, if you would like to read the poem “The Dash” you can visit the author’s page and read it ==> HERE
Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~
Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book ““My Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim