Self Love – What is it and Why is it important?
Or, is it OK to love myself? What’s healthy self-love? I bet you had an immediate answer to the question, as did I. My answer is OF COURSE it is! BUT, when I…
The 2 Ways to Live Your Life. Choice or Chance
Even at the dreaded (or LOVED) middle age years, this questions still looms in my mind. Am I relying on luck and random acts to determine life. Or am I making very conscious…
Dream Big – Johnny Wimbrey – Live Your Dreams
[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1YalN6cHdIWlFWQQ==[/video_player] Bible Verses About Motivation 1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the…
Speak Life, Devotion 3
I am reminded today of a scripture found in the book of Matthew 15:11. “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth;…
Thy Word is Lamp Unto My Feet, Devotion 2
I was reading yesterday about the journey of the children of Israel and their promise of a new land. The land flowing with milk and honey. I learned that it was a land of…
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life, Devotion 1
Today is the first Monday of my new “retired status”. It’s time to do some serious refeathering of The Refeathered Nest. I unshackled the golden handcuffs of security (resigned from corporate America). It…
Ditching the Golden Handcuffs – Quit Your Job, Follow Your Passions
I took the leap from the edge of the cliff. I had been monitoring the under currents, the wind direction, and the weather. I finally decided to jump. I decided to resign from…
Patrick the Persevering Great Dane Puppy
Patrick, the Great Dane puppy, was a bundle of energy. It puzzled him to no end that he couldn’t jump across the stream. Then, one day, he made an amazing discovery about gratitude…
Prioritize, Purpose, Prune – Hints for Simplifying in 2015
Here in our little nest, I usually end up spending the month of January as a cleaning month. After the Christmas decorations come down, I get into this mood to get ready for…
What Mary Poppins Taught Me About Managing My Time
First of let me say I can’t ever say the name “Mary Poppins” without my brain bursting into song because I LOVED that Disney movie with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. So…
Inter-generational friendships in the Empty Nest
Making new friends of all ages can enrich your life. If you look around you, and all your friends are just like you, you may want to start reaching out to those who…
Writing for Personal Effective Change
The other day I was doing some rearranging of bookshelves and found myself exploring a cubby hole filled with some of my old journals. Instantly, the task at hand was derailed. I began…
How to deal with difficult people during the holidays
Christmas is close at our heels and if you have been caught in any of the holiday hustle and bustle you’ve probably had to deal with difficult people. Life presents you with many…
Celebrating the big 5 OH
Last week I helped my husband celebrate the big 5 0. I was attempting to plan a get-away trip for him but due to some other circumstances we had to stay close to…
14 Motivation Secrets for Making Everything Better
Scientists, teachers, and business leaders have spent a lot of time trying to find more effective ways to motivate people. Intrinsic motivation is your behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other…
Empty Nest Country Life vs City Life
Sometimes, one of the steps of the Empty Nest is to sell the ‘family’ house and move. But where do you decide to move to? Some couples have it already planned and know…
Empower Yourself With Personal Boundaries
Personal boundaries are important to you for several reasons. They serve as barriers to protect your self-esteem. They are also tools for establishing limits with others and communicating that you won’t tolerate certain…
Rekindle the flames of your marriage Tip 7 Something Big
The kids flew the coop. You look at the man you love, and realize you need to reconnect. You have drifted away during the “kid” years. It’s time to make the empty nest…
Rekindle the flames of your marriage Tip 6 Away Time
Here’s a little tip for you. Sometimes, in order to get closer in a relationship, you need some away time. Hi! It’s Kim and I have a marriage tip below for you empty…
Rekindle the flames of your marriage Tip 5 Together Time
Hi Friends! I’m continuing down the path with a few more hints to rekindle the flame in your marriage. The kids flew the coop, you are coping well. But you realize that man…