Success really is as easy as 1,2,3

100 Day Challenge
100 Day Challenge

To lead a successful life, career, or business,
you need only three things:

1. A crystal clear understanding of WHAT you want
to achieve.

2. A passionate desire and burning WHY that
inspires massive action.

3. A plan of action which points to HOW success
will be achieved and when.

The problem however is that while everyone wants to be successful, far too many people are unsure
of their WHAT, WHY, and HOW.

I can help and here’s a free video series and
manifesto for creating your breakthrough and
taking control of your life.

You’re going to love this!
Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

P.S. You really need to see why Brian Tracy says this program is the “definitive guide on
excellence and personal mastery!”

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to RePurpose and ReDesign their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim.


  • Deanna

    Oh, great post, Michelle. And I agree with you, 100%. We seem to make that road more difficult than it really is, don’t we. Here’s to YOUR success!

  • Linda Hampton

    Seems so simple but people are looking for a quick fix and need to go beyond what they want (which is usually money) because money won’t be a long term motivating factor for real success.

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Linda! Yes, the “microwave generation” has expanded into so many facets of our lives. We not only want food fast, but we want problems fixed fast. We are even spoiled to having crimes solved in an hour due to t.v. shows =) BUT, we DO have the power within us to fix our problems if we just take action! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Lianda

    The best thing is for women to PREpare themselves for the eventuality. This way it will be an easier transition, and they have time to think about what they want to do with their life! It’s also easier making a decision when you’re not forced to – that can pretty stressful.

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