Make Today Count – Health

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Image by S.H.CHOW via Flickr

Just as John C Maxwell states in his chapter, I agree – Usually when people pick up a book that contains advice, they expect the author to be an expert in the field.

I am not an expert in Health.

As Mr. Maxwell pointed out in his book, when you aren’t an expert in an area – look to the experts.

I am a person that knows and realizes that my health is the most important factor in my life.

It’s in yours as well.

Sometimes, disciplining yourself for health is easy. For others, it’s difficult.

I’ll admit that for me, it’s HARD.  But, when you have a desire, such as mine for a natural energy, I knew I had to do something.

But  folks, there isn’t a magic pill or potion to Good Health. But there are two firm factors.

  • Better Nutrition – what goes into your body.
  • Move the Body – what your body does.

Doctors and Scientists all agree that we have to supplement our nutrition. The ground isn’t as healthy as it once was and some of the produce used to make our food just doesn’t have the nutritional factors that it once had.  You can begin by eating Organic Foods and taking quality Nutritional Supplements.

Next, you have to move your body.

Find out more by reading John C Maxwell’s book, Make Today Count!

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