A fascinating end of the year idea

GOALS Gary Blair The Goals Guy
Did you know that yesterday Monday, September 23rd
there are only 100 days left in the year. Can you
believe that, the year is zipping away at a crazy FAST

If you haven’t learned it about me yet, I am passionate about setting
aggressive, inspiring, life changing goals and
then achieving them.

But just like you, I’m not perfect and with
100 days left (well, today it’s 99) in the year there are some
areas I’m off track. UGH. I hate to admit that some of
my goals I set in January are still unfinished

More importantly though, I’m doing something about it.

Even better for you, my solution will work just as
well, if not BETTER, when you use it too.

But first, before I share the solution with you…

Imagine what these final 100 days of the year would
look like if you did have the help, assistance and
personal guidance from the world’s leading expert
in achieving your goals?

– Would you increase your income?
– Lose those extra pounds?
– Start that new business?
– Strengthen your relationships?
– Eliminate that extra debt?

Or, what about ALL of the above (and more)?

The great news is…

It IS possible for you to achieve all that AND MORE
these final 100 days of the year.

Its called the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge!

It is being put on by a good friend of mine, Gary Ryan
Blair (aka The Goals Guy).

I’m taking part and I highly recommend you join me and
take part too.

The first step is going to this page, check it out and
think, hard, what the next 100 days will look like for
you when you take part too.


I promise, 100 days from now, you’re going to be very
happy that you took action!

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

P.S. Gary is only letting people register for a few
days, so if you are serious about finishing this year
strong then you will want to act on this quickly.

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to RePurpose and ReDesign their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim.


  • Marika

    Wow I can’t believe we already have only 100 days to go to the end of the year. How time flies indeed.

  • Courtney

    Where did this year go!?!? I cannot believe we only have 100 days left of 2013.

  • Ray

    Love this idea, in regards to not only the blog, but finishing the whole life process in a strong way for the end of the year. Makes those resolutions at the beginning of the next year not seem nearly so challenging.

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