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100 Day Challenge
100 Day Challenge

Human behavior … it’s fascinating, isn’t it?

So many inexplicable things …

– we chase a piece of lead down a strip of ice with a broomstick and call it an Olympic sport

– we killΒ  bulls and call it a entertainment (bullfighting)

– we corrode fish with a solvent and call it a delicacy (“lutefisk”)

– and we do everything we can to avoid achieving our goals – calling it “progress”

Well, I can’t do much about curling, bullfighting or lutefisk, but an exciting program opening on Sept 23rd however, might just solve that goal problem.

Click here for a great video, a killer report and find out what it takes to achieve radical results

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

P.S. Be sure to watch the video today, it’s that important, extremely time-sensitive and explains
the true importance of September 23rd!

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to RePurpose and ReDesign their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim.


  • Barbara

    Hi Kim,
    This sounds interesting. I clicked the link for the video, but it didn’t arrive in my inbox yet.
    Be blessed,

  • Lillian Moffitt

    I looked into the 100 Day Challenge. It sounds a lot like something I’ve been participating in already, but on a Master’s level scale. I’ve been changing myself, my mindset, and learning goal setting, following through with commitments, forming constructive habits, and transforming myself 28 days at a time since May through the 28 Days to a New Me ( monthly accountability groups. The 100 Days sounds phenomenal. However, I have some barriers I’m still working through. I figure as long as I’m still showing up, still making progress, and still improving, then I’m still in the race.

    Be well,

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Lillian! You are SO right! As long as you are continually moving forward, even inch by inch, you are making progress and STILL in the race! Yea for YOU!!! Thanks for stopping by!

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