What can Christians do when their heart, mind, body, and soul needs to be soothed?
What can Christians do when their heart, mind, body, and soul needs to be soothed? My dog reminded me…
Denver frantically ran around the house today after a session of barking at a strange car outside when it arrived, followed by another session of guarding the homestead when the car left.
It was as if that moment triggered something inside, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. He HAD to have not only his tattered, torn, bedraggled, and stinky Hoo-Hoo Bird but he had to have Binky as well. The HooHoo Bird is his oldest toy, and so torn up that it no longer resembles an owl. He has two perfectly good ones he could use that are exact duplicates. But, no. He had to have THAT ONE.
Plus, he had to have the piece of it that used to be a foot and was torn off. We can’t throw it away. Sometimes he wants that piece as well and will not let us go to bed until he knows where it is. So, of he went on a search for it. The HooHoo Bird and the Binky. Once he found them he jumped up on the sofa, tucked them under his chin, and went to sleep.
I get it. It’s been quite a few weeks in our lives, and the lives of friends and family. Last week hit very hard..a tragic death of a sweet friend, her husband’s extensive injuries, and topping it off with health issues of my loved ones.
I get it. I need a Binky too.
I know I can turn to my Father God in prayer, which is my most important way to soothe my spirit. But, there are other things I’ve been doing as well. Maybe a few of them will help you as well.
Find Kinship with Others (Go to Church)
On some Sundays my body was less than willing to go to church.
But the comfort I’ve found in the embrace of one of my sisters in Christ was just what my soul needed. Little did they know their hug meant so much (or one second more of a hug and I may have burst into tears.)
Give from your abundance.
This is the season of gratitude and giving. It’s also Operation Christmas Child season. I brought my boxes home on Sunday and have started packing and praying over them. Knowing that such simple gifts light up a child’s heart brings me joy.
Idle fingers are the devil’s playground.
Control what you can control, and leave the rest to God. There are things I can’t control and I have to quit thinking about them. I find that if my hands or mind is busy doing other work, I don’t have the mental capacity to think about the worry things. I can control the broom, the sponge, my hands to fold laundry or tidy or other “busy-ness.” I’ve written more devotionals in the past three weeks than I have all year. However, the unfolded laundry basket is still overflowing. My preferred “busy” tasks are on the keyboard.
Eat well, drink water, move your body
It goes without saying for me, but when I’m stressed I want chocolate. This little guy my grandson’s friend introduced me to this summer says it best:
But, chocolate may not be the best medicine. During stressful times, I want to nourish my body with good things. It doesn’t have to be monumental. A handful of carrots today, some nuts tomorrow, or a slow walk later this week are all ways to give yourself a little “health hug”.
Pray, read your Bible, and pour scripture into yourself.
God’s word is the balm to heal all our internal wounds. I firmly believe that! I’ve found myself praying the scriptures over my life and the lives of my loved ones. Recently, I studied Psalm 23 one verse a week! Yes, I took 6 weeks to study one Psalm. Only God knew how much I needed to lean on those scriptures now. I encourage you to stand on the promises of God and His word. Write the scriptures in your heart. Read them daily and pray them over your life.
The world would offer many ways to soothe yourself. But, I find myself daily asking God, “How do you want to deliver peace and soothe my spirit today, Lord?” He is our Good Shepherd, ready to lead me beside the still waters and restore my soul. He’s yours too.
PS. If you would like to “slow study” Psalm 23, you can get my journal here at this Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3CrgY6r