Living In Borrowed Armor
Living in borrowed armor. Saul dressed David in his armor thinking that was the only way David would defeat Goliath. Adam tried to convince God that Eve made him eat the apple.…
Overcoming Procrastination – 5 Tips for Getting Things Done
Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Wait a minute, that’s not how the saying goes! I thought I would try to trick you. Here’s the big question though. …
I choose joy
I choose joy. I choose joy, even during times of hardship. In every moment, I have all that I need to feel peaceful. I distinguish between joy and pleasure. Joy is readily available,…
1 Huge Step To Live In Purpose
When I was young teen we moved to edge of the suburbs. So far out to the edge that we were in the undeveloped area and really could call it “country”. There were…