Praying circles around your marriage life children future

Pray Circles Around Your Life

When life has you going in circles, maybe it’s time to pray circles around your life.

The Circle Maker – Pray Circles Around Your Life

Pray circles around your life for spiritual breakthroughs and life-changing prayers. That’s how I felt after I finished reading The Circle Maker, by Mark Batterson. I’m a student of prayer, having read several books about prayer. Hey, I even wrote a prayer journal! None the less, this book has reignited my prayer life. I’m a believer in choosing a scripture and “praying a scripture” over a situation. But, I’ll be the first to admit a downfall of mine.

What? I’m admitting a downfall or shortcoming? You bet I am! I’m not one of those Christians who pretend to be holier than thou. I’ll be the first to admit I fail – and sometimes I fail flat on my face in a royal way.

Here it is. I know that I’ve failed in my writing because I’ve been one to just let me creativity flow, which is not a bad thing. But, here’s the problem for me.

Unfortunately, I’ve not been consistent in bringing my writing and creativity to the throne. Maybe it’s my huge Texan pride of “I can do it myself.” Maybe it’s a little bit of my “well, I pray about everything, and I wrap up my writing in ‘cluster prayer.’ So, after reading The Circle Maker I realized I did not pray circles around my life including my creativity and writing.

When cluster prayers aren’t enough

What is a cluster prayer? Something along the lines of, “Lord, help me with all I need to do today.” while I glance at my to-do list which includes -write for one hour. Cluster prayers are my quick prayers. Unfortunately, the quick ones may be all I get done for the day.

However, reading The Circle Maker ignited a fire within me to consistently pray circles around different aspects of my life. I want to increase my diligence about praying scriptures over ALL situations. I’m going to be including a scripture for the simple 1000 word children’s book which I’m working on.

For now, I have 1 Peter 2:9 pinned to my bulletin board. It’s been there for a few weeks, even before I read the book. It’s a scripture I claimed for my own when I was around 15 or 16. For some reason, I felt the inner prompting to reclaim it as my theme scripture for my life. And for this week, it will be my theme scripture for my writing.

“But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests. You are a holy nation, people who belong to God. He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done. He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light.”

This is how the scripture speaks to me:

I am a chosen people. A person. God’s daughter. I belong to God. He’s shared with me some of the wonderful things He’s done in the scriptures. He brought me out of the darkness of a life without him. His light shines in every aspect of my life — of what a life would be like with no creativity. He brought me into His wonderful light the light of a creativity and to share WORDS!

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people a royal priesthood

Scriptures About Creativity

Here are a couple more scriptures I like to use to pray circles around my writing life:

Ephesians 2:10 β€œFor we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

1 Timothy 4:14-15 β€œDo not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”

Do you have a theme scripture for your life? Do you have one for your writing? Have you read the book yet? Are there other areas of your life where you’ve claimed a scripture and prayed circles around it?

I would love for you to share yours in the comments below!

When she’s not sweeping dog hair, experimenting in the kitchen, or doodling on paper, Kim C. Steadman is writing. She is a self-proclaimed cubicle-nation escapee and now lives her childhood dreams. Kim is a freelance writer, speaker and ministers alongside her husband in Grand Prairie, TX. The acreage she and her husband take care ofΒ  includes woods, fields and critters — all of which weave themselves into her writings.

She is the author of The Creative Prayer Journal: A 21-Day Prayer Challenge to Experiencing Meaningful Conversations With God, The Diary of a Recycled Dog and The Creative Keepsake Journal series.

Kim loves coffee, chocolate, and TexMex food. She also enjoys DIY projects that don’t include power saws & hiking in the mountains. Connect with her on Facebook

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