Know God. Know Your Salvation. Know.
Welcome to a new 2021 Bible reading and study plan!
I’m a little behind on preparing this month’s list for us! We’ve had Covid in the house, so I spent much less time at the keyboard and more time resting and praying. Despite so much prayer time, it’s as if the days zoomed by.
Have you ever felt as though life was going so fast that you didn’t have time to read, pray and study your Bible? Or perhaps it’s not the speed, but just the spirit of so many things to do has you spinning in circles?
Well, sister (or brother) I’ve been there. Even after a season quitting the corporate rat race to heal my body, soul and mind I still have the struggles. We wear so many hats it’s hard to keep them juggled and make time to do the important things in life.
Listen, I would like to say I’m so holy that I do a 1-hour or 2-hour Bible study every single day. But, that is a fantasy world for must of us, and it sure is for me.
Something I do every day is dive into one scripture. I study, meditate and pray on that one scripture and let it nourish my soul, following the Lectio Divina method of reading and prayer. I’m pretty sure in my life, it’s better for me to fully understand one scripture than to sit and read 20 pages in my Bible and not remember one thing I read. Can I get an Amen?
This monthly Bible reading plan is to help you..a community of Believers as we dive into God’s Word together and encourage each other. I encourage you to join us in our free Facebook Group.
This plan is based upon the word “know.”
We have come through and are in a season of not knowing. Everyday it seems another post or news piece and we are left with unsure feelings and question “do we know this is the truth?”
It’s during the seasons of life when I am unsure that I find my deepest strength in God’s word.
It is in His word that I find the truth. His spirit communes with my spirit and I find hope in the journey my friends!
We know!
February 2021 Bible Reading Plan

- Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the daily passage. Share your insights and what you learn on Social Media. You can get a download ==> here <==
- Write in your journal the scripture you chose for the day, your items of gratitude, along with a short prayer of confession. Then spend time with God in prayer and meditation over the scripture. Read it in different translations. I encourage you to study each word!
- An optional activity will be to comment on the thread in our private Facebook Group to see what others are learning and sharing. We will also pray for each other.
We Know
Philippians 3:10
Isaiah 55:9
Ephesians 4:13
Acts 4:13
Psalm 46:10
2 Peter 3:18
Jeremiah 31:33
Jeremiah 31:34
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 36:10
Psalm 39:4
Psalm 89:15
Psalm 90:8
Psalm 109:27
Psalm 119:75
Psalm 119:125
1 John 2:3
1 John 2:4
1 John 2:5
1 John 2:11
1 John 2:13
1 John 2:14
1 John 2:18
1 John 2:20
1 John 2:21
1 John 2:29
1 John 3:1
1 John 3:2
1 John 3:6
1 John 3:14
1 John 3:15
1 John 3:19
1 John 3:24
1 John 4:2
1 John 4:6
1 John 4:7
1 John 4:8
1 John 4:13
1 John 4:15
You can download a digital PDF of the list by clicking here. You can also take a picture of the scriptures with your phone so the list is always at your fingertips!
P.S. March’s theme will be “Grow in the Lord.”