Summer Writing and Prayer Prompts

Summer Writing and Prayer Prompts

There’s nothing like using our current season of summer for our writing prompts. Here in Texas it started feeling like summer on June 1. Now it’s around the corner on the calendar and an extreme heat pocket has settled over North central Texas. Oh well, that can only mean one thing, right? Perfect weather to stay indoors and write and read!

I remember as a child the thrill of summer break. It was my time to read whatever books I enjoyed reading and my tween favorites were the three series – Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and The Hardy Boys. Of course, the classics were some of my favorites as well. It’s no mystery, I also enjoyed dabbling in writing.

I find that rediscovering childhood memories are wonderful writing prompts. These types of prompts are easier for me because I don’t have to create new content. I simply write what I’ve already lived.

Writing Prompts

Here are a few summer-themed writing and prayer prompts you can use during this season:

  1. Can you recall a favorite summer of your childhood? What activities or adventures made it special?
  2. What was a summer activity you enjoyed as teenager?
  3. Did you ever experience summer Bible camp or Vacation Bible School as a youth? What are some memories from that season of life?
  4. Did your family travel during the summer? What is a trip you remember?

Prayer Prompts

  1. Lord, please protect my thoughts. Help me to release the worry and anxiety of ______________.

2. Heavenly Father, I desire to grow in my faith and walk. Please guide me as I _______________.

Journal Prompts

  • The days are getting longer, what can you do to create an evening atmosphere in your backyard?
  • Write down 3 ideas for decorating your patio.
  • If you are able to go out whatโ€™s your favorite destination right now?
  • What could you do to help out a neighbor this week?
  • Whatโ€™s your favorite waterfront experience, lake, beach orโ€ฆ?
  • Write about your best June memory.
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • Plan out something fun to do with your family or even by yourself.
  • Whatโ€™s your favorite vegetable?
  • Whatโ€™s your favorite fruit?
  • Make a list of things that need cleaning up outside.
  • Make a list of items you could donate.
  • Picture what you would love your life to look like a year from now.

I truly hope you enjoy these writing prompts! Your words matter!

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