I opened another text message only to read something that had been common. I mentor writers. There are several of them in various stages of “attack.” Life is upside down. They haven’t been able to sit and write for weeks. The truth of the matter is we all are undergoing an attack right now. Change has completely upended our usual way of life.
I’m reminded of Moses. There was a scene in Exodus where the people were thirsty. They demanded water.. a return to comfort. Mind you, this was after they had demanded food to eat – twice – and God answered them with quail and then manna. Now they were thirsty. Moses struck the rock with his staff, and God supplied water.
But God provided.
If I remember correctly, later they again demand water and Moses takes them back to a source that had once filled their needs. But the brook or stream had dried up. Life changed, they were in limbo, and had to find a fresh source for water. But God provided. They were exactly where they needed to be to make the next right step. He didn’t leave them, they just needed to recalculate their trip. But, they had to let go of the thought THIS source was their only source for water. They had to find an alternative source.
Sometimes life’s changes leave us in limbo. Moses and the 40 years in the wilderness, there was A LOT of recalculating. Could it be that the only way we can find the fresh path in life and receive the new blessing is that we must be willing to first let go of the comfortable and known?
Clenched fists can’t receive.
We can’t receive with clenched fists. I invite you to open your hands to receive the new blessings that await you.
Oh, and the writers? Some changed direction and wrote a recent book that they hadn’t thought about 6 months ago. One used the newfound time to finish the book she had been working on for a year. Another started mission work using writing as a foundation to write letters to shut-ins. While others have taken a break from writing and found new creative outlets.
Recalculate your journey. There may be a welcomed blessing just around the bend..